Wednesday 27 January 2016


I have never been a dedicated reader of Garance Dore's blog beforehand, therefore I kind of went into this a bit blind and not knowing what to expect. I picked this book up from one of the book shops in Chelsea Market, whilst in New York and I'm glad I did, it's not only very pretty but also very insightful!

Being a photographer and illustrator as well as running a blog and now an author- it was clear to see that this would be an interesting read. As like many successful people, they don't always have it easy; which is also true for Garance. She talks about her childhood, life, love and struggles before she got to where she is now.

Unlike many bloggers, you really get an insight into Garance's life on both a visual and personal level which allows the reader to connect more personally.

The book is split into sections: style, metier (job/profession for those who aren't fluent French speakers either!), beauty, elegance and love. Each section has something to give and learn from making it really fun to read, with lots of illustrations and motivational quotes along the way! It's definitely worth a read.

Monday 25 January 2016


As part of the brief, the final task is almost a conclusion of everything we've gathered and putting it into a 'big idea'. For me, I have found this to be the hardest task out of the 3 to do. Here is a mind-map that I did before deciding on a final idea, I feel that they are really useful to gather all of your thoughts and everything you associate with a topic. Allowing you to clearly gather the information to then be able to come up with an idea! I am currently thinking something along the lines of an interactive, winter themed window display. I'll keep you posted...

Sunday 24 January 2016


So after being back from New York for a week now I can no longer sit here and think 'oh what was I doing this time last week'. Instead, it is time to reflect and look at all that I'm left with.

Apart from three loads of washing... I have seemed to of accumulated a pile tickets, lots of 'metrocards', maps and museum information booklets.

Clutter they may be, they are all still a remembrance of what I've been up to. A keep-safe almost. So like every other time I go away, these will also be going into a little book full of tickets, trips and luggage tags. A weird thing to keep... I know, but I'm still keeping it!

New York is among one of the best places I have visited. It's so full of life, and certainly is a city that never sleeps - shout out to the people laughing for a good hour at 4am! I am so lucky to have had the opportunity to go and experience all the delights with the best group of friends!

Saturday 23 January 2016


You get the gist now... On to days Friday and Saturday!

We started the morning late, waking up at 10am instead of 9am. Oops! But we still managed to be up and ready by 10.30am, who said girls take ages?

We headed straight to our favourite, Speedy's of course, before then coming back to then go to FIT to visit 'the Fairy Tale Fashion' and 'Denim' exhibition which opened that day. They both included truly beautiful garments and told an inspiration story about the concept.

After this, we got the Subway and went straight to Central Park. Walking through the Upper East Side, we finally ended up at the Metropolitan Museum of Art! Having the ever famous photo on the steps (Gossip Girl Fan Girl-ing) we finally went inside and had a look around 'the Art of Style' Exhibition. This exhibition really did show a women who had a lot of style. Every garment and outfit shown in the exhibition is tasteful and elegant. Inspiring not only my personal style but also motivating me through the quotes that are spread across the walls.

After a good hour or so, we left to head to Central Park to go ice skating! As I'm no longer 10, fearless or 'ready-to-go', it took me ages to remotely get going on the ice. Resulting in holding onto everyone I could get my hands on, eventually just giving up and getting off the ice! On the plus, at least I didn't fall over!

We then went around trying to find a Michael Kors and the Nike store, before heading to MoMA! This museum/gallery was without a doubt my favourite. The modern art and creativity is just incredible and truly inspiring. I got to see some of my favourite artists work like Picasso and Monet. And even managed to physically view a sculpture which I am including in my Summative Project, Bonus!

We then headed back Downtown for our final meal out in New York! Oddly, we went to Hooters of all places. But was surprisingly good, but still full of men and women in no clothes. I'm not sure what possess people to apply to work there, but as the t-shirt says. it is 'traditionally tacky'!

After a lovely meal, we went back to relax and pack our things!

On our final morning we obviously went to our second home in New York - Speedy's for breakfast. After doing so much shopping all week, we decided to spend around 2 hours sat in Starbucks using their free wifi. Very sad I know, but we'd been deprived of wifi all week!! And before we knew it, it was time to get on the coach and head home!

Thursday 21 January 2016


Continuing on from the last post, I'm going to share Wednesday and Thursday's itinerary!

Out of all the days spent in NY, Wednesday has got to be my favourite. Although it was -4, I lost a glove, my body was numb and extremely tired, the weather was gorgeous with the sun shining and blue skies all day long! So this was obviously the best day to go and see the best sights in New York.

With an early-ish start, we headed down the road to get breakfast at a local place called 'Speedy's', and it was literally the best thing ever. They had a buffet available, with food such as pancakes and french toast, to bacon, sausages and potatoes available! After choosing what we wanted (pancakes, obviously), we sat at the gorgeous park opposite to eat.

Clueless as ever, we headed to the subway station, brought a single ride ticket and attempted to figure out our way to Brooklyn. Was pretty simple, but pretty impossible trying to follow the stops using a map, not a subway map! But we eventually made it. After getting off the subway, we walked through Brooklyn until we finally reached Brooklyn Bridge!

Following this, we met up with the rest of the group who had been on a garment tour. We then walked to the Rockefeller with shopping on the way obviously! We went up to the top to see the most breathtaking views of New York on a clear, blue day. It was just amazing.

We then walked to Central Park. Upon arrival, we all began to get really hungry so walked for what felt like miles back in the opposite direction to find anything and anywhere to eat. We finally ended up at Five Guys, slumped and tired. Resulting in us all going back to the hotel and sat down watching the Kardashians at 6.30pm, Wild I know!

That day was a long day. 24,359 steps and 17.61km later, we finally were asleep before 9pm!
(The Health app on my iPhone has been a life saver. I didn't even know it counted any of this until Thursday!)

Thursday was our turn to participate in the garment tour. We had the to opportunity to meet and speak with really inspiration people at Mood Fabrics - for anyone who doesn't know, this is where they film 'Project Runway' - and we then went to a sample sale and Around the World book/magazine store to speak to a PR/Publisher living in New York.

We spoke to the 'Wanderlust Girls' whilst at Mood Fabrics and had a Q&A-like session with them. In which they talked us through how they got involved in the industry and blogging. I also made a little friend whilst I was here as well. Meet the cutest little dog, Swatch.

Following this, we went back into tourist mode and explored what else the city has to offer. We got the subway to the Soho area (all refusing to walk as far as Wednesday, can you blame us!) to have a look around. We also went to Ground Zero. An incredible place, which makes you think a lot about all that is wrong with the world. Such a beautiful memorial for all those who lost their lives. After this, we headed to China Town and Little Italy straight from Soho, after eating pizza we headed back to the hotel.

Tuesday 19 January 2016


After planning, researching and having a brief idea of what I wanted to do, I feel I successfully did everything and more! We crammed so much in, it literally feels like I spend about 3 weeks there, not under 1! As we did so much, it makes more sense to break up the blog posts into days. Starting with Monday night and Tuesday!

So Monday was a full 24 hour of travelling. From waking up at 3am UK time, travelling to London Heathrow, stuck in traffic, waiting, 8 hour flight, more waiting, we finally arrived at the hotel just before 7pm (12am UK time). After attempting to unpack, moving the mattress out of the 'mini-room' into the main room and topping up our make-up to at least try and make it look like I hadn't been awake since 3am, we finally headed out to explore our surroundings.

We stayed a block or two away from Harold Square, so with Victoria Secret, the terrible Macy's (two bad experiences in there in 4 days... Don't ask!) and Sephora right on our doorstep, there was plenty of things for us to see and do. We headed to TGI Friday's for something to eat - leaving us shocked at the portion sizes. Why is everything bigger in the US?! We all had starters as mains as at this point we were all just tired and wanted something lighter to eat before bed! As you can see these portions are basically bigger than a UK main meal, so that plan went out the window. We all left feeling very sick! How people could possibly go out for a three course meal here is just beyond me!

Tuesday morning we went to Chelsea food market and had the nicest breakfast. Whilst taking full advantage of the free wifi, we wondered around all the little markets and shops resulting in a purchase of 2 books. Both fashion and uni related!

Tuesday was also the day I went along to FIT, to the perfume workshop. It was really fun and interesting listening about how you make a perfume and what goes into it. Smelling the 'bases' if you like of a perfume really shows the work that goes into making a fragrance due to the many different oils that make it up.

Later on that day, we went to Times Square to look around and then went to Broadway to see a show- Matilda the Musical! You can't go all the way to New York, and not go to a Broadway show, right?!

And that's pretty much all we did on our first days in New York! Come back in a few days to see what I got up to on Wednesday and Thursday!

Sunday 17 January 2016


After managing to sleep for a fairly commendable total of 4 hours on the plane back (seat on your own, at the back = 2 seats and sleep!) I felt fairly fine. Until around 10am when it would be 5am in New York, my body was left a bit confused. So its now currently 6pm and I still haven't slept since the plane, how I am managing this I'm not quite sure... But here are some photos I have taken in New York. A more detailed update on what I got up to is to follow but here's a starter!