Tuesday 20 October 2015


Continuing from our lecture the other day, we began this week by looking at colour theory. From the research that we had done and collected on our Pinterest accounts, we had to use Photoshop CC to create a colour palette and strip based on the image we had chosen.

Before the session this afternoon, I was one of the few people on my course who had never used Photoshop before. Everything from inserting an image to filling a block with colour was completely new to me. However, the only way to develop these skills is to persist with practice until I get to grips with the software.

The task involved selecting around 5 or more colours by using the 'eyedropper tool' on the image we had selected. After choosing our colours, we then had to arrange them into an order that made sense to use and showed a relationship between the colours. The simplest and most obvious way is of course to arrange them into some sort of colour order. Following that, by adding a new layer, we adjusted the proportions and volume of the colours depending on what we wanted to advance forward, and recede backwards.

The above image explains my thought process on how I have grouped and come up with the colour strip. Below are a couple more examples of my other practice palettes. 

I feel that I have managed to grasp a basic understanding of Photoshop even after a few hours of practice both inside seminars and outside during my own time. Doing this task has made me excited to further my knowledge on Photoshop and using it more in the future.

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